
Valhek's Guide to Treasure Hunting

Created by 4RandomPixels

A book for D&D 5e, full of character options, items, and monsters, all in pixel art.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey + Progress Update 🔄️
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 11:22:21 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Reward Surveys are coming📝
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 09:34:05 AM

Hello everyone, and welcome to this quick update.

The reward surveys are ready to go, and you should be receiving yours soon. These are necessary for me to send you your rewards as soon as they're ready, so make sure to fill out your survey!

These surveys will be sentto your email, so remember to check the spam folder.

Also, they'll be sent in waves, so if you don't see it immediately don't panic, you should receive it in the next few days.

I'll make another update next week when all the surveys are out.

During the survey, you'll also be able to purchase add-ons, which include the PDFs and Print Codes of my previous books as well as the new Valhek's Dungeon Adventures.

If during the campaign you pledged more than the necessary for your reward tier, the excess will be converted into credit to buy these add-ons.


This is all for now, see you next week for an update on the surveys and a preview of some of the stuff you'll find in the book!

-to the next update...

Success! 💯
8 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 04:39:04 AM

Hello everyone, the campaign is over! This has been my most successful campaign so far and I'll make sure to repay your support!

It's going to take a while for the book to be finished and I don't want to rush things.

So keep following these updates so you don’t miss any development news.

Meanwhile, I'll set up Backerkit for the reward survey and the add-ons, I'll make another update when it's ready.

Until then, thank you again, and see you soon!

-to the next update...

3 days left 🕑
8 months ago – Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 11:01:47 AM

Hello everyone, we've entered the final days of the Kickstarter.

Today I have the usual preview and an announcement.

But first of all, let me apologize for the lack of updates in the last two weeks. 

I was taken in a series of problems and commitments outside of the project and kept postponing the update. 

Anyway, here is a double preview with one of the subclasses and a couple of monsters.

Keep in mind that there are going to be changes and adjustments before the final release

And now for the announcement:

New Add-On: Valhek's Dungeon Adventures

I wanted to showcase the monsters of this book in the dungeons they inhabit, however, that would have pushed the page count way above the limit. So I decided to make a separate supplement for them.

This PDF features 5 short dungeons that can be used as one-shots or easily included in any setting you're running.

This small supplement is already included in the Relics Researcher (8€)and Legendary Treasure Hunter (28€)tiers. Everyone else will be able to purchase it after the campaign ends as part of the add-ons for 1€

Well, this is all for now, thank you for everything, and see you in a couple of days after the campaign ends.

-to the next update...

Start of the second week and a small preview 2️⃣
8 months ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 02:38:10 PM

Hello everyone, and welcome to this update.

The campaign has entered the second week, the initial explosion has slowed down to a nice and steady growth.

Today I'm showing you a first draw of a couple of magic items and three 1st-level spells.

Keep in mind that these items will probably change, as they get adjusted before the final release

Obviously, these are just a tiny bit of all the items and spells you'll find in the book. The Dungeoneer's Hat, for example, is part of the Dungeoneer series, a group of items designed to help characters navigate dark underground dungeons.

Well, this is all for today's update, the next one will come in a week. 

Keep sharing Valhek's Guide to Treasure Hunting Kickstarter and see you soon!

-to the next update...